Fill in the information below and we will calculate your savings with Pluriell.
Number of employees
How many employees does your team consist of?
Administrative management hours per person per week
How much time do you and your collaborators spend on administrative management per person each week (management of invoicing, drafting of site reports, encoding of service hours, preparation of schedules, etc.)
Hourly rates
What is the average hourly rate charged by your office?
For 0* invested,
By optimizing the administrative management of your office with Pluriell.

The size of your office seems to require more than an online calculator. Feel free to contact us and we will be happy to meet with you to learn more about how you work.

  • How do we get this number?

    Pluriell reduces the time needed to perform recurring administrative tasks related to the overall management of your office and the follow-up of your projects. Our calculation is based on the cost of your monthly office administrative workload minus the cost of Pluriell user licenses for your office.

    *The average cost of a Pluriell license is 40€ per user. This may vary depending on the options you select.